The Prayer Furnace

Declaration for the Month:


I decree that Jesus is my Rock, my Salvation, my Healer, my Deliverer, my Intimate Friend, and my Lord! He is my Way-maker, my Breakthrough, my Peace, my Provider, my Teacher, and my Standard for Love and Righteousness. I am saved by Jesus, called by Jesus, commissioned by Jesus, and I live to exist and operate at the pleasure of His will. My life belongs to Jesus, my business belongs to Jesus, my family and friends belong to Jesus, and my finances belong to Jesus. In Him, I live, and move, and experience the fullness of my being. I decree that Jesus is the answer for every problem this world faces. He alone is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of the Father! Jesus, I am like clay in your hands. Mold me, and shape me into Your image and into who You imagined I would become. I trust You and come into alignment with Your plan for my life. I vow to worship You in every season because You are worthy. I will seek you with my whole heart, and walk before You with my life laid down to serve You. I will tell the world the Good News that You are alive and that You have made a spectacle of demons, sickness, and disease. I will shout that You forgive sin and that You are fashioning sons and daughter who carry Your love, Your power, and who partner with Holy Spirit to bring the gift of transformation to the world around us. AMEN!!!

The Prayer Furnace At A Glance... 


  • Face to Face intimacy
  • Partner with God in decrees
  • Discipling Sons of Koath - meaning servants who hold the heart of God for the region.
  • Regional Collaboration
  • God’s heart for the nations.


Holy of Holies - Encountering God

Naioth Ramah: A dwelling place. A prophetic environment where Heaven is open and the tangible presence of God manifests, releasing Heaven’s strategy and blessing to surrounding regions. An embassy of heaven on earth.


We want tangible encounters through servanthood for the region and they will be:
  • Measurable
  • Scalable
  • Transformative where our city will notice