Exploring Fears Of Conservative Christians Part 2

Sep 5, 2024    Prudence O'Haire, Chris Behnke

Exploring Fears Of Conservative Christians Part 2 -Together We Build With Chris Behnke+Prudence O'Haire

Who Appears In This Episode: Chris Behnke, Prudence O’Haire

Season 3, Episode 25: Exploring Fears Of Conservative Christians Part 2 -Together We Build With Chris Behnke+Prudence O'Haire

Join Chris Behnke, Prudence O’Haire, and the wonderful Buckley in the second part of their series on the fears of conservative Christians. In this episode, they delve into concerns around immigration, government overreach, economic insecurity, and political corruption. The hosts discuss the balance between healthy awareness and letting fear control decisions, emphasizing the importance of understanding these issues through a biblical lens. They also explore practical steps for engagement and responsibility, from voting to community involvement. With their unique blend of humor and insight, Chris and Prudence offer a thoughtful discussion on navigating these challenging topics without fear.

Hashtags: #TogetherWeBuild #ConservativeChristianFears #Immigration #EconomicSecurity #PoliticalCorruption #FaithOverFear

For more episodes and resources, visit Eagle Mountain Global. To learn more about Chris and Prudence, visit Chris and Prudence.

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