You are loved and you belong


Putting Apostolic Feet To Prophetic Hope

You are LOVED and you BELONG in the family of God.

We aren’t designed to live our lives alone and separated.

Bottom line, we need each other.

Eagle Mountain is moving in unity to co-create Heaven on Earth and to hear the heartbeat of God.

We won’t stop until everyone knows they belong in God's family and are a part of a mission for and with Jesus.

The fire of Holy Spirit is here... He's sweeping us into a position of relevance in our world.

Within the wonder of Christ, we are driven into more and more discovery of who He is. Filled with Passion, we say YES to the Great Co-Mission: The making of disciples of all nations.

We invite YOU to join us!

You belong and are loved in the family of God.


Are you ready?

We are...

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There is a place for you in what God is doing at Eagle Mountain

We are a tribe who loves God deeply, purposefully equipping the world to transform their regions with His love.

We believe that God is calling world changers to Eagle Mountain. No matter what your experience, there's a place for you here in our tribe.