John 1 pt4 /// Why Does Toast Fall Butter Side Down
John 1 pt4 /// Why Does Toast Fall Butter Side Down with Don Potter
Who Appears In This Episode: Don Potter
Season 3, Episode 23: "John 1 pt4"
John 1:25-34 is an interesting account of how John the Baptist who grew up with Jesus and knew him as his cousin realizes that he actually doesn’t know Jesus’ true identity. God spoke to John about how to recognize who the Messiah would be. John awaited the sign that God had revealed to him. When he saw the sign on his own cousin Jesus, instantly Jesus’ true identity was revealed and John saw who he really was. Not only did he see, he fully accepted the truth of Jesus’ identity. John didn’t give into any guile or deceit as far as the identity of Jesus as the Christ. Join Don as he dives into the depths of treasures within these verses.